Kimiko Chikuma
Kimiko Chikuma is an artist born in 1976 and living in Fukuoka.
In addition to exhibitions in Japan she held exhibitions, group exhibitions and participated to art fairs in Taipei (TAIWAN), Seoul (SOUTH KOREA) and Hong Kong.
What she says about her style

Her background
Kimiko Chikuma has a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Fine Arts of the Kyushu Sangyo University, in the domain of Plastic Expression.
Originally, as a big fan of manga and anime, she wanted to become a manga artist in the future. But after graduating from university, she was making abstract paintings. The reason simply being that when she was a kid, she attended an abstract painting class.
But after attending the Makoto Aida's exhibition "I'm sorry for being a genius" at the Mori Art Museum and looking at the works of Takashi Murakami and Yoshitomo Nara, she felt "It is okay to freely draw what I like".
From that point she started to use girls as a motif of her work and this is now her style.
Kimiko Chikuma :